Critical Policy Studies Network

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Tim Duvall The Discipline’s Community: The Effects of Method and Market on Research Relevance APSA 1998 Discipline’s Community Discipline’s Community Discipline’s Community
Frank Fischer Beyond Empiricism: Policy Inquiry in Postpostivist Perspective Spring, 1998 Beyond Empiricism Beyond Empiricism Beyond Empiricism (Word 97/98)
Maarten Hajer and Sven Kesselring Democracy in the Risk Society? Learning from the New Politics of Mobility in Munich Environmental Politics, 1999, no. 3, pp.1-23 Democracy in the Risk Society? Democracy in the Risk Society? Democracy in the Risk Society? (Word 97/98)
Robert Hopp Policy Analysis, Science, and Politics: From Speaking Truth to Power to Making Sense Together Science & Public Policy, June 1999, pp. 201-210. Policy Analysis, Science, and Politics Policy Analysis, Science, and Politics Policy Analysis, Science, and Politics (Word 97/98)
Tim Luke Ecocritique in Context: Technology, Democracy and Capitalism as Environment May 31-June 1, 1998 Ecocritique Ecocritique Ecocritique (Wordperfect)
Patrick McGovern and Peter Yacobucci Lasswellian Policy Sciences and the Bounding of Democracy WPSA 1999 Lasswellian Lasswellian Lasswellian
Douglas Torgerson Policy Professionalism and the Voices of Dissent: The Case of Environmentalism 1997 Voices of Dissent Voices of Dissent Voices of Dissent
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